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Interpretation and Representation

>Project Introduction

This final project was executed on an individual basis. Working on our own, each student was to conceptualize a space based on design and sensorial principles, taking elements and activities from the previous bamboo project but expanded upon and looked into deeper. For submission, tattoo stamps returned in the form of diagrams as well as orthographic drawings and the new addition of abstract arts. The final model would be built 1:10 scale and submitted with minimum 6 study models showing idea progression.

>Concept Summary

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I created the space based on the idea of entrapment and anti-escapism, playing on the idea of eerie environments, but giving a resolution to the user's journey at the ending, showing them that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

>Study Models 

For presentation I submitted the most relevant study models I made, each depicting the exploration of a certain element or feature of the final product. 

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>The Final Model

Using the juxtaposition of horizontal and vertical elements, the final model mimics the look of a destroyed building or aircraft. Intended materials for real-life construction are steel and reinforced concrete to complement the raw, hostile concept

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>Orthographic Drawings 

Plan, elevations, section and exploded axonometric drawings to 1:10 scale. Here a clearer visualisation of the use of the space can be seen via inclusion of human figures. All drawings were done and inked by hand.

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>Diagrams & Abstract art

My diagrams for this project depict the theme and concept of light and dark, fear, pressure and entrapment, as well as the movement within the space and use of the space and as a deconstruction of integral elements of the structure. Using perspective views as a basis, I created 2 abstract artworks leaning into the theme of the final concept. 

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The topic of sensorial space is an advanced one that requires a strong understanding of form manipulation and materiality to create an intended outcome. Thus, this project was as satisfying as it was mentally trying, as I worked hard to produce a work which I am proud to call my own. Yet, the lessons I learned about tying sensations to a space are what is most valuable to me. 

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